Physical therapy is one of the most crucial parts of recovering from an orthopedic procedure. Physical therapy after an orthopedic surgery rehabilitates weak muscles and joints and helps aid in pain and swelling. Although physical therapy is extremely critical post-operation, there are various forms of low impact orthopedic exercises that could significantly expedite your recovery process. Pairing physical therapy with low impact orthopedic exercises will ensure that your joints build the endurance they had before operation. It’s important to note that although these exercises often prove to be extremely beneficial in patients and are very low impact, it’s imperative that you seek medical advice from your practitioner before beginning any additional exercise regimens. Here are a few ideas that could be extremely beneficial when paired with physical therapy.
Yoga has been practiced for over 5,000 years. It is one of the most developed and beneficial forms of low impact exercise. Yoga not only helps build strength, endurance and flexibility, but also helps aid patients mentally. One of the most significant aspects of yoga in regards to orthopedic recovery is that yoga helps improve alignment post-operation. When you practice yoga after your orthopedic surgery, you’re essentially helping your joints rediscover their ranges of motion. These ranges of motion are usually lost, since orthopedic procedures mechanically replace certain parts of our anatomy.
One of the best forms of low impact exercises to practice after an orthopedic procedure is swimming. Swimming is an amazing activity for orthopedic patients because it’s an activity that doesn’t include weights and extensive training. There are a variety of swimming styles. The majority of them are fairly low-pressure and low impact. Swimming styles that have the least amount of joint impact include front crawls, backstroke and butterfly. The impact free aspect of swimming is beneficial for replaced joints because it lubricates and rehabilitates joints without causing excessive tension.
Cycling is another exercise that could significantly help repair endurance that has been lost after an orthopedic procedure. Although you may use a regular bicycle, it’s advised to use a stationary bike for the first few weeks after surgery. Cycling is beneficial because similar to swimming and yoga, it helps rehabilitate your joint’s ranges in motion. Since cycling may engage more pressure in the knees, it’s important to slowly build your way up in speed and gear. When cycling as a form of therapy for orthopedic recovery, aim to engage in a full cycling range of motion for at least 15 minutes.
Engaging in physical activity post-operation is the best way to rebuild strength in your joints. Patients often begin engaging in physical activity immediately after their surgical procedure. However, it’s extremely important to seek medical advice from your practitioner when engaging in any activity post-operation. To learn more about you can stay in touch with your practitioner when deciding to engage in low impact exercises, contact us here.
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